I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the year 2000, where I grew up shooting competitive Olympic archery and took over my parents garage with metal working machines. In 2019 I moved to Santa Barbara to attend UCSB where I quickly joined many engineering clubs and began to apply some of the knowledge that I had learned. Having hid a 3D printer in my closet, many late Friday nights were spent rapid prototyping parts for both ASME and IEEE. Within my first quarter, I became a Workshop Wizard in the Innovations Workshop/Microfluidics Lab at UCSB, as well as began working in the College Of Engineering machine shop as a Shop Assistant and Reader for ME-12S. I also became involved in UCSB's RPL program designing a manufacturable coaxial swirl injector as well as research into the manufacturing and design of X-ray/UV transparent microfluidics devices
Software Competence
Autodesk Suite including Fusion 360 (cad/cam), Inventor (sort of), AutoCad, HSM Works
Solidworks (cad/cam) CSWA certified
3D printer software including Cura, Pronterface/Printrun, Preform 3D, GrabCAD Print, Slic3r
Laser cutter software including JobControl
MATLAB, Python, LaTeX
Solidworks (cad/cam) CSWA certified
3D printer software including Cura, Pronterface/Printrun, Preform 3D, GrabCAD Print, Slic3r
Laser cutter software including JobControl
MATLAB, Python, LaTeX